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Jack Redley
Lead Generation

Why should anyone hire you?

January 17, 2024

Sometimes, I get sent a portfolio to review. It's flattering to think that random people value my opinion on their portfolio so thanks for sending them to me if that's you! And often, they're great! Solid work, animations and clear process. But often, I think that the problem with their portfolio is less about the design or development side of things and more about their positioning.

I find so many people have a portfolio that essentially says 'I design and develop websites for anyone.' Yes, it may go slightly narrower than that and say something like 'I design and develop websites for startups,' or something along those lines but again, I still don't think it really sets you apart from other freelancers and agencies.

I keep coming back to this quote from Silvia Li Sam where she says 'If I'm just one person, what do I want to be known for? And so I think about the niches that I'm known for.' Now being known for stuff isn't necessarily a particular skillset for a particular industry - it may just be a particular stand out skillset which sets you apart.

Her agency, Slam Media Lab, is particularly focussed on creating business results for clients by having a focus on SEO and content marketing.

Don't you think every part of her website expresses tha from copy to exceptional content on the site?

Another example that springs to mind is Search Historian - he's an SEO expert within the Webflow space. If someone has a problem with SEO, they literally tag him on Twitter when explaining the problem. Who's tagging you on Twitter when they have a problem?

Andrew E works for Radcat Design and focusses on motion and 3D with his agency. He's really leant in to that for his websites where there is flowing animations that just make you happy and sets him apart from other Webflowers in the space.

Now you might say to me, "But Jack, there are thousands of examples of people that didn't focus further than just being a Webflower," and I would agree with you - that's precisely why it's even more effective to stand out by having a clearer unique selling point and positioning. Also, it's worth saying that unless you've been working for an agency for years and then go freelance, you will likely have a network of contacts speaking on your behalf and referring you jobs but if you don't have that network, I would argue it's better to have greater focus on a particular skillset within the Webflow niche than just "I'm a Webflower."

Have a think about this quote - can you clearly identify what you want to be known for?

if I'm just one person, what do I want to be known for? And so I think about the niches that I'm known for.

What do you think? Email me

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