Freelancers advocate for different methods to get work - Jamie Dowis started by building a thriving business on Upwork and the partnering with agencies that do design so that she and her team could focus on development. Carlos Sepulveda focussed on emailing everyone he had already build trust and connection with throughout his life to offer work and grew his Webflow freelancer network that way. Bree Nechole focussed on joining different Webflow communities and getting involved in challenges which she then used to leverage to attract clients.
What I'm trying to say is that the more I do Webflail, the more I realise there is not one-size-fits all way to find clients and you need to work out what's best for you to attract clients. What I've also noticed is that it might be a combination of different things that attract clients too including content marketing. However, sometimes people put hours of time in to content marketing and it doesn't get them the results they are looking for so I want to dedicate this article to 5 content marketing tips to actually grow your webflow freelancing business.
Before we dive in, what do I mean when I say content marketing?
Well I found this useful definition from Mailchimp:
Content marketing is the development and distribution of relevant, useful content—blogs, newsletters, white papers, social media posts, emails, videos, and the like—to current and potential customers.
Interestingly, in the same article, they talked about the competitive advantages too.
- Businesses with blogs get 67% more leads than other companies.
- 67% of business to business (B2B) marketers say B2B content marketing increases engagement and the number of leads they generate.
- 88% of people credit branded videos for convincing them to purchase a product or service.
Now you guys know this stuff already. You make "content," and then you distribute it via channels such as social media, email or carrier pigeon.
Ok, let's get in to the 5 tips now!
1) Know WHO you're making the content for!
Samuel Gregory talks about this a lot in our most recent episode:
How is this relevant? Who is it relevant to? And then producing content from that.
If you're not clear on WHO you are creating content for, it's going to be very hard to create content that speaks to them directly so that they should understand WHY they should care.
The idea of content creation only being helpful to generate leads if the content is directly aimed and provides value to those leads!
Teaching Webflowers how to create a custom cursor in Webflow DOES NOT help a potential client with their website development.
Potentially though, creating content aimed at a specific niche with clear benefit might be more effective: 5 Simple Website Improvements To Help Real Estate Agencies Increase Conversions by 50%
Look at this example from Ailín Tobin.

He wants to position himself as a highlighly capable technical dev. Not a Webflower that does design well but a Webflower that is an expert at making highly efficient, cleanly coded, well-organised and optimised sites. He has a course (which is excellent by the way) called Happydevflow. What's the offer? HTML, CSS & JS with Webflow.
It's a technical course for Webflowers that want to learn about building more technical webflow sites. You see how effective this type of content marketing is to build his status as a thought leader as a result?!

So much of the time, people make, make, make without being clear on who they're making content for. This means their efforts aren't nearly as useful as they should be. Work out the who and the what and where will take care of itself when it comes to content creation.
2) Consistent & Sustainable Schedule

Ayush Soni tweets 10 times a day. How do I know that? He told me in our episode entitled 2X Your Business With 10 Tweets A Day
He has built a solid lead pipeline directly from this. Does this mean you should be posting every day too or you're a lazy Webflower that deserves no inbound client success? YES IT DOES YOU SACK OF POTATOES (that's obviously hilarious sarcasm - of course not).
But, it does indicate that having consistent posts is helpful to stay top of mind.

Of course 10 tweets a day is a lot though - it's not very easy to do and potentially, you may want to set a more reasonable goal at the start to form a habit. You will then go from there and get in to the routine of posting and over a month, the compound effect will take hold.
Another thing is that he's focussing on Twitter. Not posting 10 times on Twitter and Instagram and LinkedIn. He's focussing on posting 10 times on Twitter.
So this suggests it's not only consistency in posting but consistency in where you post. This ain't no spray and pray approach. He's focussing on Twitter because he wants to hang out on Twitter and it's where he has found success so he doubled down on it.
Work out where you want to hang out and where you can be consistent and then double down seems like a strong strategy for successful lead generation.
3) Reply to people!

Don't you find it infuriating when you write a really thoughtful response by email or Twitter or LinkedIn and the person you're responding to just ghosts you? I feel the same. Or not even getting an emoji with a thumbs up.
You know when you put content out there, make sure you try and reply to people that engage with that content. That's where the rubber hits the road a lot of the time. You can carry on the conversation in dms to say thanks for writing such a thoughtful comment potentially. It means a lot to people that you make them feel noticed and heard. And work can come from it.
I actually mentioned this in an article called 3 Tips To Get Agency Work As A Webflow Freelancer but I actually got a job just replying with a thoughtful reply to an agency owners’ newsletter. Seems so simple and obvious, but most people just don’t bother. You would be surprised how a thoughtful response to a newsletter can lead to conversations and before you know it, you have some freelance work!
Imagine that same concept in response to your own content! Start conversations from your content. Content marketing isn't a one and done thing - it starts multiple conversations but those conversations are the things that may lead to work rather than just the content itself.
Still looking for tips and tricks about content creation? Check out an article I wrote called 8 Tips To Market Yourself As A Webflower On Twitter
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