Twitter is an incredible platform to make friends, be inspired and even attract clients.
Obviously, there is a wonderful Webflow community on the platform full of interesting and inspiring people to hang out with from all over the world. This has completely changed my life in the last 6 months - I have now become friends with people all over the world. Having regular calls with friends in Ireland, America and India has kept me grounded, accountable and focussed. It's also helped my mental health connecting with so many freelancers working solo like me!
In addition, I have seen how powerful the platform has been to get freelance work. I am no expert in this but since so many agency owners and freelancers are in the Webflow twittersphere, there are a few things I have noticed Webflowers doing that gets them exposure since it reaches a lot people and helps to attract clients.
I'm no social media expert - these are just observations about how webflowers are using twitter and getting a lot of engagement from their posts. Feel free to message me if you think I have left anything out!
Also, I am not suggesting you NEED to use Twitter to market yourself as a Webflower to get work. People have all sorts of strategies to get freelance clients which may not involve posting on social media at all. It's just one of many ways to market yourself as a freelancer. You may just want to use Twitter to post pictures of your cat which is totally fine! Obviously, people use social media for all sorts of reasons and as I mention, Twitter has been just amazing for me to meet an bunch of people from all over the world I am lucky enough to call friends now. This article is more aimed at people who are on the platform partly to attract clients though.
1) Get Your Profile In Order

When people click on your profile, what do you want people to know about you? Andrea Jelic does a really good job of this in my opinion. The second I clicked on her profile, I knew she had a great visual eye from her aesthetically pleasing header picture, and her bio clearly explains the type of work she does, her authority in the space from being a Young Jury, and I can then easily see her work with the link to her profile.
Questions to ask yourself:
- Does your profile clearly show what you do?
- Does your profile convey the information to the someone landing on your profile that you want it to?
- Do your links work?
2) Show What You're Working On

A lot of the time, people only show the finished product of their work. This means that they do 1 tweet that says something along the lines of 'New work out! Check it out here [LINK].'
Tweets are short lived though. Most of your followers won't see that tweet unless people engage with it. This means those weeks of effort put in to a project won't be seen by many people if you only post a single tweet about it to distribute it.
The other problem with this is that your followers may not have a clue what the project is about and won't necessarily have a reason to click on it unless they know something about the project before you post the final work.
I think Tyler Hughey's method of sharing work in progress is clever because we see behind the scenes so we are intrigued as to what he's working on. We also become aware that he will soon drop a finished website so we might be more intrigued to follow progress and the final result. The other advantage is he can post multiple times about this showing progress which maximises the potential that his followers will be aware of this work. Not only that but I imagine people would want to hire him just by seeing his work in progress so it's effective to attract work too.
Questions to ask yourself:
- What nuggets can you share from what you're currently working on?
- Have any behind the scenes or process insights for your followers?
3) Use Video

A lot of tweets are static screenshots but could be made much more visually engaging with video. This becomes particularly effective to show off website animations or multiple different bits of work within one tweet. Joseph Berry does this really well to show off animations in his work. I find I stop scrolling to see videos more than written tweets just because it's more visually engaging. I also find I share videos more often for the same reason.
I have found there are plenty of free tools out there to simply screen record while scrolling down a website. Nothing fancy but very engaging for the user.
Questions to ask yourself:
- Any particular websites that you have worked on that you want to show off by video?
- Any animations you're particuarly proud of?
4) Be Helpful

I heard Brian Feroldi, an investor who has 415K on Twitter, explain how he thinks about Twitter on Nathan Barry's podcast:
Think of twitter as a micro-blogging platform rather than social media platform
He explains that giving value to people on Twitter will help you grow your following and influence. By thinking of Twitter like a micro-blogging platform, you can utilise threads to maximise the amount of value you can provide to your followers. This will show what you know about your industry, be more likely to be shared by other your followers and be noticed by people who need your services.
Ailín does this particularly effectively - he wants to be known as a Webflow expert that comes from a technical background so develops Webflow websites highly efficiently and effectively. This thread shows this off, provides value to the community so is highly shareable, and no doubt interested clients who want lightning fast loading times on their website.
Questions to ask yourself:
- What particular value can you provide?
- How can you encapsulate and maximise that value in the tweets you make?
5) Pin Most Successful Tweet To Top Of Profile

If you have a tweet that has a lot of engagement, it's probably because you have provided value to your audience and so it makes sense to promote that tweet to maximise the chances of people seeing it for further engagement.
If you pin that tweet to the top of your profile like Grace has, it means that when people land on your profile, they see your best piece of content. It will have a lot of engagement so will provide social proof you are worth following and they are most likely to share it if loads of other people have also found value in it.
Questions to ask yourself:
- What have you tweeted that has had the most engagement?
6) Show Numbers

Showing numbers through unique insights is helpful for people to clearly understand the information your providing them. Tweets like this one by Edgar Allan are particularly interesting because they show unique insights in to the business too. As Webflowers in the space, it's fascinating to see what well established agencies are up to and be inspired by them. This not only means people are more likely to share this type of content but also potential clients might see that they are a reputable agency that does a lot of good work, is prepared to show their warts and is clearly experienced taking clients through their process.
I realise that Edgar Allan may not need to use Twitter to attract clients and this type of tweet may be more for the benefit of the Webflow community rather than strictly to attract clients. However, I am sure other agency owners would be keen to collaborate or refer projects to Edgar Allen after seeing tweets like these.
Questions to ask yourself:
- Do you use numbers in your tweets to make them clearer?
- Are there interesting numbers within your business/process?
7) Use Graphics

When you scroll, you won't necessarily stop unless there is something eye catching. That's where engaging images can be a great substitute instead of just plain text. I think videos are even better than just images. However, screen shots like this one by Brett is really engaging even though he could have easily just written out this text. Food for thought.
Questions to ask yourself:
- Can your feed be more visually engaging by using more graphics and images?
8) Show The Work You Want To Be Known For

Showing cool personal projects can be a great way to signal to people what you're capable of, your personality and the kind of projects you want to be doing more. This project by Frances is wildly creative and also really visually pleasing. While she shows client work too, this type of project is particularly shareable because it's so creative and will potentially be seen by people who want to pay to have a website exactly like this.
Questions to ask yourself:
- Show off the work you want to get