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Jack Redley

10 best free resources to learn Webflow

December 5, 2023

This is one of the questions I get asked most of all. What's are the best resources to learn Webflow and, particularly, what are the best free ones?

I am always nervous to give hard and fast advice about this because as the answer so often is for so many questions, it depends. Being a Webflower (ie. someone that does Webflow) means you not only know how to build websites using Webflow but how to build them so that they are efficient, fast and effective for your client to realise their goals. To do that, it often includes a breadth of skills and knowledge about design, development.

Are you wanting to design and develop websites? Are you coming at Webflow from a background in marketing, for example? Are you wanting to just have a general grasp of Webflow so you can decide your path? Are you particularly interested in motion and animation with Webflow websites?

Naturally the answer to these questions where you focus your efforts on learning.

So, before I offer some resources, I want you to do the following:

1) Answer the questions above

2) Find a bunch of freelancers and agencies that you love the work of - it may be their beautiful animations, it may be the same niche as the one you want to be in, it may be their impressive client list. Study their work, follow them on social media, sign up to their newsletter etc. - remember success leaves clues and you may be able to find out the resources they used when they first started out in the Webflow space (or could even ask them yourself!)

3) Remember that JUST learning through these (or other resources) is like educational pornography - it can be addictive and make you feel like you know what to do in real life but you actually don't. You need to actually apply what you learn as you learn it - try things out, see how they feel and remember that it will take a while to work out which Webflower you want to be.

With all that being said, I will write the 10 best free resources I think will not only help you learn Webflow but give you a decent grasp of skills to be a Webflow freelancer.

1) DesignCourse YouTube Channel: Hosted by Gary Simon, the DesignCourse YouTube channel is a gold mine for beginners and seasoned designers alike. The channel offers detailed tutorials on Webflow, covering every facet of website design and development. From basics to advanced concepts, DesignCourse provides practical and engaging content that can help you improve your Webflow skills.

2) Webflow University: Webflow University is an invaluable resource for anyone keen to learn Webflow. This platform offers comprehensive courses tailored to different levels of expertise. The tutorials are well-structured and easy to follow, helping users grasp the fundamentals of Webflow and progress to more complex topics. They also offer an interactive and engaging learning experience with practical examples and quizzes to reinforce learning.

3) Flux Academy YouTube Channel: Flux Academy is another excellent YouTube channel that provides extensive tutorials on Webflow. The host, Ran Segall, is a successful freelance designer who shares his practical knowledge and insights into the design industry. The channel offers a mix of tutorial videos, case studies, and vlogs that give viewers a real-world perspective on using Webflow for freelance work. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced designer, Flux Academy can provide valuable tips and tricks to enhance your Webflow skills.

4) Arnau Ros Salvador Youtube Channel: Arnau Ros Salvador is a must-visit for individuals wanting to delve deeper into Webflow. Arnau is a professional web designer and developer who is passionate about sharing his knowledge with his audience. His channel features comprehensive tutorials that simplify complex Webflow concepts, making them understandable and accessible to everyone. The content is well-organized and designed to guide viewers from basic principles to more advanced techniques. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned designer, Arnau's unique teaching style and practical advice can help you master Webflow.

5) Exposure Ninja YouTube Channel: Exposure Ninja is an invaluable resource for those who want to expand their Webflow capabilities while also learning about digital marketing. With a focus on practical advice and actionable tips, the channel offers a wide range of tutorials, guides, and case studies. It's not just about Webflow; Exposure Ninja also delves into SEO, social media marketing, and content creation, equipping you with a holistic skill set for managing successful online projects. This channel, with its mix of Webflow tutorials and digital marketing insights, is well-suited for both beginners and experienced web designers.

6) Finsweet YouTube Channel: Finsweet is another fantastic resource for aspiring and experienced Webflow designers alike. Their YouTube channel is teeming with Webflow tutorials, tips, and tricks, all designed to enhance your understanding and practical implementation of this powerful web design tool. With a clear and concise teaching style, the Finsweet team makes even the most complex Webflow elements accessible and easy to grasp. From layout design to responsiveness and animations, Finsweet provides a variety of comprehensive guides to ensure your Webflow projects shine.

7) Timothy Ricks YouTube Channel: Timothy Ricks is a must-visit for those passionate about Webflow and web design. Ricks, a renowned designer, hosts an array of educational content on his channel, making complex design concepts accessible to all. The tutorials on this channel cover a multitude of topics, including advanced Webflow techniques, industry trends, and design principles. Whether you're just starting out or looking to enhance your existing Webflow skills, Timothy Ricks' YouTube channel is an excellent learning resource.

8) Pixelgeek YouTube Channel: Pixelgeek is a haven for anyone keen on exploring the vast capabilities of Webflow. This channel is filled with insightful tutorials, making it an ideal learning platform for novices and seasoned web designers alike. Pixelgeek dives deep into the nuances of Webflow, dissecting its complex features into manageable lessons. The channel also explores topics such as responsive design, interactions, and CSS tricks in Webflow, providing a well-rounded learning experience.

9) Jesse Showalter YouTube Channel: Jesse Showalter is an expert web designer and developer whose YouTube channel is a treasure trove for those looking to master Webflow. Showalter's channel features a blend of Webflow walkthroughs, web design tutorials, and coding lessons. His clear and engaging teaching style makes even advanced topics approachable, making this channel an excellent resource for both beginners and experienced designers. Through his videos, he not only imparts technical skills, but also shares valuable insights on creativity and design thinking.

10) Charli Marie YouTube Channel: Charli Marie is renowned for her ability to simplify complex web design concepts through her educational content. Her channel is filled with valuable Webflow tutorials, design vlogs, and tips on creative productivity. By breaking down Webflow's functionalities into easy-to-understand segments, she offers viewers an engaging and effective learning platform. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a design novice, Charli Marie's YouTube channel is a go-to resource for enhancing your Webflow skillset.

Cheeky extra one:

11) Spline YouTube Channel: Spline is a fantastic resource for those interested in 3D design. The channel offers a wealth of tutorials and insights into working with the Spline tool, making it an invaluable resource for both beginners and experienced 3D artists. Spline's content ranges from basic tool introduction to complex 3D project walkthroughs, ensuring that viewers have a comprehensive understanding of 3D design with Spline. The easy-to-follow videos on this channel make 3D design accessible and appealing to all.


In conclusion, it's super important to not just learn but actually put what you've learned into practice. The channels I mentioned earlier are like a goldmine of knowledge that can seriously help you improve your design skills. But here's the real secret to becoming a master: you gotta use these new skills in real-life situations. Create your own projects, try out different styles and functions, and don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Remember, the goal isn't just to soak up knowledge, but to turn it into wisdom by actually using it. So dive into these resources, learn like crazy, and above all, get creative and start applying what you learn!

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