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Jack Redley

The Quickest Way To Get Better At Freelancing

September 26, 2023

Freelancing is hard. If you're good at freelancing, I've heard it's great with the promises of riches, freedom and creative fulfilment. But in my experience, as with anything, it takes time to become good at freelancing.

Pros of being a Webflow freelancer:

  1. Flexibility: You have control over your schedule and can work at your own pace from any location.
  2. Creative Freedom: As a freelancer, you get the liberty to choose the projects that align with your creative vision.
  3. Earning Potential: There's no cap on how much you can earn, as it depends on the number of projects you take up.
  4. Skills Enhancement: Working with diverse clients enables you to broaden your skill set and gain cross-industry experience.

Cons of being a Webflow freelancer:

  1. Inconsistent income: Your earnings might fluctuate based on the number of projects you have, leading to financial instability at times.
  2. No benefits: Unlike full-time employees, freelancers don't receive benefits like health insurance or paid time off.
  3. Client Hunting: Building a consistent client base can be challenging and time-consuming.
  4. Isolation: Working solo can sometimes lead to a feeling of isolation, making it crucial to network and engage with the freelance community.

Alright, here's a curveball for you: The quickest way to get better at freelancing? Get a job. Wait, what? Yes, you read it right! Having a nine-to-five might seem like the polar opposite of the digital nomad lifestyle, but trust me, it can be the ultimate freelancing hack. This isn’t about abandoning your dreams of freelance glory - far from it. It's about understanding the dynamics of the job market, learning about deal-making, and most importantly, growing your network. We're going to dive into why working in a traditional work environment, even just for a while, can help you skyrocket your freelance career. So buckle up, freelancer, because we're about to take an unexpected detour on your road to freelance success.

1) Learn from people that are better than you

This might surprise you, but working at a design agency can be a real game-changer for your freelancing career. You're surrounding yourself with folks who've been in the business for years, and they've got a whole lot of know-how to share. Imagine it - you're in an environment where you're constantly learning and improving, just by being around these pro designers. You might think you're pretty good now, but trust me, these guys can take your skills to a whole new level. It's like getting daily design feedback from industry veterans. So before you jump into freelancing, consider getting some agency experience under your belt. It could be the best move you ever make.

2) Hone necessary skills while earning a paycheck

Here's the real deal: when I first started working for agencies, I was thrown right into the thick of things. I found myself involved in client calls, learning on the fly how to handle different individuals and situations. I didn't just see how they managed spreadsheets, I was creating them, mastering formulas and layouts to create compelling presentations. I was part of the action, seeing firsthand how they attracted clients and grew a sales pipeline. The best part? I was learning all these invaluable skillsets while getting paid for it. This isn't just about gaining experience, it's about growing and refining your arsenal of skills, all while earning a steady income.

3) Know which clients you want to actually work with

You might fancy you've got a bead on the type of client or industry you'd like to work with. But hey, why not widen your horizons a bit? Working in an agency gives you the chance to dip your toes into a bunch of different industries. You'll be working with clients of all shapes and sizes, from startups to big corporations, across various sectors. This means you'll be exposed to a whole array of business models, challenges, and opportunities. It's like a tasting platter of the professional world. Once you've had a taste of everything, you're in a better position to decide what you really enjoy. You can then focus on working with certain types of clients or industries based on actual experience, not just assumptions. Doesn't that sound like a smarter move?

4) You network advocate for you after you leave the job

Let me tell you a little secret from my time at Edgar Allan. In just a few months, I witnessed an incredible network dynamic in play. Numerous clients were brought in through referrals, either directly from former employees or from clients who had worked with the agency over its 20-year history. Whether you're an agency or a freelancer, having a robust network is key. Sure, you gotta have the skills to do the job, no argument there. But, a significant chunk of work comes your way through referrals from people who like you, trust you, and know you can deliver. So, if you've worked hard, built a solid reputation at an agency, and maintained good relationships, guess who they're likely to pass on their overflow work to? Yup, you got it - you! It's a no-brainer, right?

5) Work with clients of all sizes

Working with clients of all sizes at an agency is like training camp for freelancing. Think about it. When you're freelancing, you never know what size client will come knocking on your door. By working in an agency, you get a taste of all - the big fish, the medium-sized ones, and the small startups. Each of these clients presents their own unique needs and challenges. The big guns may have a more structured approach, multiple layers of approval, and a direct impact on your portfolio. The medium-sized ones might be looking to scale up and are ripe with opportunities to innovate. And the startups? They're like blank canvases where you can throw in your creative ideas and watch them bloom. This variety preps you well for your freelance journey, where adaptability is key, and no two clients are the same. It's like getting a sneak peek into what to expect and how to navigate the varied landscape of freelance clients. So when you go solo, you're not just walking in blind; you're stepping in with experience that money can't buy!


For me, it has been clear that working in a Webflow agency is the quickest way to get better at freelancing. With the right support, advice, and resources offered by such agencies, freelancers can rapidly develop their skills and learn best practices from experienced professionals. By joining an agency with an established track record of successful projects, freelancers will be able to take advantage of valuable resources and apply them to their own work. This will not only help them improve their knowledge and experience but also increase their chances of landing more lucrative freelance contracts.

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