Why You Need a Solid Booking System for Project Organization
Someone recently messaged me asking about good booking systems. Although this topic seems as dry as eating an oatcake in the desert, I firmly believe that it's the secret sauce to project success. The success of a project often depends on how well-organized you are, and having a helpful booking system can make a big difference for both you and your clients.
I've been using SavvyCal and although there are other options like Calendly or even Google Calendar, I have personally found SavvyCal to be the best tool I've used so far, so I wanted to share it with you. In this article, we'll discuss:
1) Why You Need a Solid Booking System for Project Organization
2) How Does SavvyCal help?
3) How much does SavvyCal cost?
Alright, let's go!
Why You Need a Solid Booking System for Project Organization
Imagine juggling multiple projects, coordinating with diverse clients in different time zones, and you're swamped with meetings that pop up like a whack-a-mole game. That's the reality of being a Webflow freelancer and if you don't tightly control your calendar, your day can be more fractured than a skydiver when their parachute doesn't open. I was so sick and tired of people just booking calendar slots with me without confirming their availability, or email chains with a team to organise a single call, or files getting lost to prepare for calls, that I had to look for a better solution. Enter SavvyCal.
How does SavvyCal help you do all this?

1) Stop Wasting Your Time (& Theirs)

So, why use SavvyCal instead of just a standard calendar invite? Well, the cool thing about SavvyCal is that it allows you to see your calendar and the other person's calendar at the same time. This means that when you send an invite link, the other person can easily see your availability and avoid any scheduling conflicts with their own calendar.
Oh yeah, you can set time increments, which is super helpful actually. I found add integration. So notify Slack channel. You can also... Sorry, I'm in the wrong bit here. Let's go to settings in here.
2) Different Schedules For Different Tasks

Additionally, you can set up specific days or times for different types of appointments. For example, I have set Thursdays and Fridays only for calls. This is super helpful because it ensures that people can only book during those designated times. You can simply share the link and they will be able to book within those specific slots.
With SavvyCal, you can create multiple calendars based on your schedule. For instance, I have specific time slots every week for Slater calls and podcasts. This way, people know when they can book a meeting with me.
3) Customised Workflows
Another great feature of SavvyCal is that you can send customized information to people based on the specific calendar they book on. Now, let me show you the workflows feature. With workflows, you can send reminders, confirmation emails, or even trigger actions on other platforms like Zapier. It's very versatile.
4) Propose Times

The other cool thing is that you can propose times. So let's say I want you to book a slot at 1 PM, Argentina time. I can put a slot in here and send it to you with the link to the calendar. This way, it will be highlighted for you. It's super helpful.
The other cool thing is that you can propose times. So let's say I want you to book a slot at 1 PM, Argentina time. I can put a slot in here and send it to you with the link to the calendar. This way, it will be highlighted for you. It's super helpful.
5) Multiple Calendars
With SavvyCal, you can create multiple calendars based on your schedule. For instance, I have specific time slots every week for Slater calls and podcasts. This way, people know when they can book a meeting with me.
6) Meeting Polls
You can also send meeting polls to multiple people to find a suitable time for everyone. They can vote on the available slots, which is really handy.
7) Integrations
Integrations are available in the settings. You can add various things to ensure your scheduling links work, whether you're using whereby or another calendar. You can also set up payments for paid calls, like consultancy calls. Just send a link with the calendar plus billing.
8) Personalisation

Using SavvyCal, you can personalise your calendar invites to make your link receivers feel special!
How Much Does SavvyCal cost?

SavvyCal is currently free to sign up and use. I recommend giving it a crack and if you think it's as good as I do, I recommend the basic plan. The headaches saved for $12 a month is really worth it!